Creating a new Organisation is the starting point on your way to starting and running successful networking events on HyHyve!

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<aside> đź’ˇ Every Space needs an Organisation. And every Organisation needs an administrator: You!


Create an account or log in with your email address

To set up a space and an organisation you first need to create a profile. Your profile will be linked to all your Spaces, so you can access them from any device/browser.

Create a

<aside> đź’ˇ In case you're logged in anonymously, we'll ask for your email address.


Create your first Organisation and Space


In your profile, click on “Your Spaces” to get an overview of all your Organisations and Spaces. Click on “Create a new organisation” to get startet:

  1. Information: Tell us a bit about your goal, so we can help you create the perfect Space.
  2. Choose a Map for your first Space.
  3. Name your Space and set Access Settings: The Space name is shown to every user. You select between anonymous access ("All") and “Registered” access (every user needs to sign up with a valid email address to make sure that they’re a natural person).
  4. Choose your Plan. You can find all HyHyve plans on our website:

<aside> đź’ˇ The Free Plan includes free minutes for group conversations. After they are used up, only 1:1 convos will be available.


<aside> 💡 Upgrade to Pay As You go in your “Organisation Settings”. To get an individual quote, select our Business plan, and our team will contact you!
