HyHyve lets you direct participants to start at a specific point within your virtual space. This feature is handy for managing the user experience or guiding different groups to particular areas. There are two main methods to achieve this:

1. Generate a Link to a Specific Action Point or Action Area

This method allows you to guide participants with this link directly to a specific Action Point or Action Area within your HyHyve space:

Screen Recording 2024-08-30 at 17.09.05.mov

<aside> 💡

This method generates different links for various Action Points, enabling you to start different participants at different points.


2. Set an Action Point as the General Start Point

If you want all participants who enter the space without a specific link to start at a particular point, you can set an Action Point as the general start point:

Screen Recording 2024-08-30 at 17.06.43.mov