Learning resources to get you started using HyHyve, for administrators, organizers, and end-users. If you have any questions, don't hesitate to reach out to our support team: [email protected].

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How to use HyHyve

User’s Basics

Getting Started

Your Profile

Icons Explained

Account Basics

Sign in, log out and check your account

Event Prep

Use Cases

Checklist for Organisers

Game ideas to play in HyHyve


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Admin’s Basics

Admin Login

Create your Organisation and first Space

Set up further Spaces

Invite People to your Space

Invite Organisation Admins

HyHyve Broadcast

Organizer Advanced Topics

Upgrade to Pay-as-you-go

How To Modify a Space

Close/Archive Space

Get Your Custom Map

How to Set Action Points

Highlight organizer profile pictures

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

How do I manage my Spaces/Organisations?

What’s the minimum required bandwidth?

Fast Track: HyHyve Organizer - What do I need to know?

Common problems

Status Page

Knowledge Base

Security and Privacy

Which certifications does your service provider have?

Which data is processed in HyHyve?

Where do I get a DPA/AVV with HyHyve?

Infrastructure Settings

Firewall Settings